Giving Good

Just Serve

JustServe matches faith, nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help.

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City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department

The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department offers volunteer opportunities for parks restoration projects and community cleanups, as well as service opportunities in museums, community centers, desert preserves and citizen forestry.

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City of Phoenix Human Services Department

Volunteers are a core component of many Human Services Department programs and the residents they serve. Seasonal volunteer programs benefit the homeless, senior centers, working people in need of tax assistance, the Arizona Head Start Association, and the Phoenix Heat Relief Network.

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Association of Arizona Food Banks

AAFB develops food resources, promotes nutrition and advocates for public-policy changes to help hungry people. It serves fives regional food-bank members (including two food banks in Phoenix), as well as a network of nearly 1,200 food pantries and agencies.

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UMOM New Day Centers

UMOM, located in Phoenix, is the largest shelter for homeless families in Arizona. It provides a continuum of care—from emergency shelter to transitional housing to permanent housing. Families at UMOM have the opportunity to gain work skills, receive medical and child care, and further their education.

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HandsOn Greater Phoenix

HandsOn Greater Phoenix is a nonprofit organization that empowers people to become engaged, take action and create positive change in their communities. It offers a calendar of 60-plus one-time community service projects each month.

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Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a world leader in addressing the issues of poverty housing. Through the work of Habitat and its volunteer workers, thousands of low-income families have found new hope in the form of affordable housing.

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Well in the Desert

The Well in the Desert is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides daily nutritious hot meals, emergency food assistance, weekly supplemental food distribution and a wide array of services through advocacy to those affected by poverty, including the working poor, the homeless, seniors, the handicapped and others in need throughout the western end of the Coachella Valley. Our mission fuels programs for poverty prevention, direct services for poverty intervention, and an organized effort to advocate for the poor.

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Mizell Senior Center

The mission of the Mizell Senior Center is to Webenhance the lives and welfare of adults who live in or visit our community. Programs and services at Mizell Senior Center are designed to meet the needs of low income seniors and to provide opportunities to combat loneliness, isolation, and maintain active productive lives. Loneliness, isolation, and depression know no economic boundaries. We have over 50,000 visits each year from individuals taking part in our activities and programs.

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Habitat for Humanity of the Coachella Valley, Inc

At Habitat for Humanity of the Coachella Valley, HOPE is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality. That is why Habitat volunteers, supporters and partner families are working together to build, renovate and repair houses. Their work strengthens families, cultivates better communities, healthier children and more successful students.

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