Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: Due to project customization, Hands On is able to engage groups of any size based on the client’s budget.
Duration of Project: Depends on project.
Cost: Both supply and project management costs vary
Indoor/Outdoor: Both
Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods, Financial Donations
Location: 111 Congress, Suite 700
Austin TX 78701 MAP LINK
Project Contact:
Tom Whiteside
P: 512-382-8611
Hands On Central Texas, a program of United Way for Greater Austin strengthens communities through meaningful volunteer action. We provide over 400 volunteer opportunities and projects, Days of Service and Volunteer Leadership opportunities annually. Hands On Central Texas is a member of the Hands On Network, whose mission is to inspire, equip, and mobilize people to change lives through service. The Hands On Network, generated by Points of Light Institute is made up of 250 affiliates, called HandsOn Action Centers that are located in 16 international communities. These Action Centers contribute $579M of volunteer service annually. Hands On Central Texas is one of the leading coordinators of employee engagement and business philanthropy services in the Central Texas region. We build stronger communities in ways that also build stronger businesses including: • Team-building through Hands On Central Texas managed volunteer projects • Increased employee morale and loyalty by providing volunteer opportunities that align to their passion • Increased brand equity as a socially responsible business • Increased visibility as you report your results to your clients and staff
Impact: Since projects vary, the impact of each is widely different and will be communicated to client when a project is solidified.
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: In support of any project, the client agrees to: a. Provide a primary contact person b. Select a local contact person(s) (if different from primary contact) c. Collaborate with Hands On Central Texas/United Way for Greater Austin to determine project objectives d. Select and confirm project date and time e. Recruit volunteers f. Provide Hands On Central Texas/United Way for Greater Austin a list of participating volunteers g. Provide any related PR materials for review h. Provide funding for Sponsored Project Management/Charitable Contribution, all project related expenses and incidental fees i. Participate in the Hands On Central Texas/United Way for Greater Austin service project j. Coordinate volunteer waivers/approval for photo releases (United Way for Greater Austin wishes to highlight our corporate volunteer teams via photos and a blog detailing the support the organization has provided our community)
Attire: Casual
F&B Provided for Volunteers: No
Option to Move Project to a Different Location: YES- space needs will vary depending on the project chosen by the client. Hands On has managed projects onsite at hotels and the convention center in ballrooms, hallways and outside pavilions.