Project Summary

Project Category: Building/Construction

Number of Participants: Fewer than 50

Duration of Project: 4-8 Hours

Cost: Painting bowls for “Empty Bowls” is approximately $15 per participant. All other volunteer projects do not have a cost for the volunteers.

Indoor/Outdoor: Both

Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods, Financial Donations

Location: 100 Light Street
12th Floor
Baltimore MD 21202 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Jennifer Summers


St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore is one of Baltimore’s leading charities serving those who are struggling with the impact of poverty, hunger and homelessness. We provide comprehensive services including early childhood education, shelter, housing, employment training and services, to basic needs such as food and clothing to help move individuals and families from poverty to self-sufficiency and stability.

Impact: All of our projects help strengthen our services and programs and directly or indirectly improve the communities we serve.

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Many volunteer activities require standing, possible lifting and/or carrying.

Attire: Work clothes/casual

F&B Provided for Volunteers: If volunteers prefer, they can bring their own.

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: For a volunteer project to paint bowls for our Empty Bowls fundraiser, volunteers would need tables and chairs at which to paint their bowls.

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St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore