Project Summary

Project Category: Building/Construction

Number of Participants: 1 to 50

Duration of Project: 3 hours

Cost: Free

Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor

Service Opportunities: Landscaping, building, remodeling, painting

Location: Carlsbad, Visita, San Marcos MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Karen Andersen
P: 760-941-6545, ext. 319


Solutions has two properties that need regular landscape maintenance. On Saturdays from 9:00 am – 11:00 am volunteers are needed to mow, weed, trim, and clean up around the Vista properties. Another opportunity is to volunteer during the week and help prepare homes for families. Volunteers must be 18 and older for this volunteer program.

Impact: Helping families by providing them with housing and living assistance.

Project Availability:

Attire: Jeans, shoes, shirt, sweatshirt (if it's cool)

F&B Provided for Volunteers: Yes

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No

Book This Project

Solutions for Change