Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: 20
Duration of Project: 1-2 hrs
Cost: n/a
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Service Opportunities: Merchandise Sorting
Location: Adult Rehabilitation Center
2525 Dodge St
Project Contact:
Kay Weinstein
P: 402-898-6000
They can take up to 20 volunteers. The project is sorting merchandise donated to the Thrift Stores. The Adult Rehabilitation Center is funded through these stores. Often jewelry is donated in bulk and it is kind of like looking for diamonds in the rough. Volunteers of all ages and men and women seem to really enjoy this project. Sorting is done at the ARC building located at 2525 Dodge. They will provide snacks and the volunteers will see a short video explaining the program and the importance of their volunteering hours.
Impact: Merchandise Sorting
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: Merchandise Sorting
Attire: Casual
Merchandise Sorting