Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: Fewer than 50
Duration of Project: 1-4 Hours
Cost: N/A, unless buying supplies for a special project
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods, Financial Donations
Location: 515 S. Haven St.
Baltimore MD 21224 MAP LINK
Project Contact:
Amy Dell
P: 443-573-0925
Meals on Wheels of Central MD enables people to live independently through the provision of nutritious meals, personal contact, and human services. Volunteer groups (up to 10 max.) can volunteer in the Main Office kitchen at 515 S. Haven St. Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 10:00pm where they volunteer “on the Meals on Wheels of Central MD enables people to live independently through the provision of nutritious meals, personal contact, and human services. Volunteer groups (up to 10 max) can volunteer in the Main Office at 515 S. Haven St. Monday through Saturday (various times) where they volunteer to pack our home delivered meals. Group meal packing is a fun, active volunteer opportunity that is great for team building. Specific dates are first come, first serve and the group should call about a month in advance. Groups larger than ten can help MOWCM by collecting shelf-stable foods so that clients who have no extra food in their homes have extra items in their pantries. Financial donations are also appreciated, and examples of past fundraisers hosted by groups include chili cook-offs, Jean Days, and discount shopping days. Finally, groups can do “Special projects,” where they make a craft to give to the clients such as cards, flower arrangements, or gift bags.
Impact: For our clients, it is very difficult to go to the grocery and store and to prepare healthy meals consistently. They rely on their friends and neighbors to take care of them, but if they have no one in their lives to lend a helping hand they depend on Meals on Wheels. We help to keep people in their homes and avoid prematurely going into assisted living or a nursing home.
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: Meal packing volunteers help on our packing assembly-line! They must be able to stand the entire time (no adaptive equipment) and must be 14+ years old.
Attire: Meal packing requires long pants and closed-toed, non-slip shoes.
F&B Provided for Volunteers: No
Option to Move Project to a Different Location: While meal packing must be done at 515 S. Haven St, item collection, meal packing and fundraising events can all be done “on site” at the group’s location. They would be responsible for providing the supplies and for organizing the project, but a Meals on Wheels representative would be happy to join the group for the activity and give more information about Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels of Central MD