Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: Fewer than 50
Duration of Project: 4-8 Hours 2-8 Hours
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Service Opportunities: Project or Activity
Location: 401 W Main St Ste 2300
One Riverfront Plaza
Louisville KY 40202 MAP LINK
Project Contact:
Valerie Magnuson
Our mission is to grow a just and sustainable community in Louisville, Kentucky, through urban agriculture, urban forestry, and environmental education.
Impact: Providing educational opportunities in relation to sustainability and social justice. Offering free or subsidized plants and seeds for home and community gardeners. Creating community space to garden and education for beginning gardeners. Increasing Louisville’s tree canopy through coordinated volunteer training and plantings. Coordinating and distributing produce from urban farmers to neighborhoods with limited access to fresh food.
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: Mulching, tree planting, gardening tasks
Attire: Closed toe shoes, clothing that can get dirty
F&B Provided for Volunteers: No
Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No