Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: 50-100
Duration of Project: 1-4 Hours
Cost: 0
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Service Opportunities: Project or Activity
Location: 500 W. Las Colinas Blvd.
Suite 1550
Irving TX 75039 MAP LINK
Project Contact:
Rick Hose
P: 972-721-2175
Park cleanup, either as part of one of our two annual events (April and September), or we can coordinate with you on other times
Impact: Cleaner & safer parks for the benefit of our residents, especially the children in our community
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: Picking up litter and recyclables throughout the park.
Attire: Long pants & long-sleeved shirts; sturdy shoes; no sandals. Things you don't mind getting muddy/messy.
F&B Provided for Volunteers: Water, lemonade, hot dogs and chips; groups can also bring their own.
Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No
Keep Irving Beautiful