Project Summary

Project Category: Other

Number of Participants: 250 - 500

Duration of Project: 1 - 4 hours

Cost: Varies

Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor

Service Opportunities: By working in, with, and for communities, we hope to transform them from the outside in. Projects range from planting trees, to sowing native seeds, organizing large-scale cleanups, removing invasive species, and installing gardens.

Location: 55 North Interstate 35, Suite 215, Austin, Texas 78702 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Tiffany Ritter
P: 512-391-0617


We provide resources and education to engage citizens in building more beautiful communities.

Impact: Litter is not only aesthetically displeasing but it also poses a threat to wildlife, natural ecosystems, human health and safety, and communities. Removal of litter and debris protects wildlife habitats and water quality, by preventing animals from being trapped in trash or ingesting it and pollution leaching into our soil from the decomposition of the litter. Beyond litter, restoration projects reduce water pollution and enhance conditions for wildlife and biodiversity.

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Volunteers are encouraged to lead cleanup and beautification efforts

Attire: Clothing appropriate for outdoor work. Close-toe shoes required, Long pants recommended

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Keep Austin Beautiful