Project Summary

Project Category: Kids/Teens

Number of Participants: 500-1000

Duration of Project: Multiple Day

Cost: 0

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor

Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods, Financial Donations

Location: Irving HS Auditorium
900 O'Connor
Irving TX 75061 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Irving Schools Foundation Crystal Scanio


Every year we will help children from our school district through four important programs. Many of these children face a Christmas with no gifts, no meal and no prospects of a festive holiday. The programs receiving our support this year are: 1. Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) 2. Program for Assisting Students in School (PASS) 3. Teenage Pregnant & Parenting Students (TAPPS) 4. Migrant Students

Impact: Every year we will help children from our school district through four important programs. Many of these children face a Christmas with no gifts, no meal and no prospects of a festive holiday. It affects the community because having a more educated population will reduce our poverty and has also been proven to reduce crime rates and increase workforce.

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Assist with the organizing of gifts, decorate the table, set up area, assist with Santa Claus, help serve dinner and help clean up.

Attire: Holiday, festive attire

F&B Provided for Volunteers: Yes

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: The space would need to be big enough to hold 600 people. Have access to kitchen, tables, enough parking and a space to store 600 presents and a space for Santa Claus

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Irving Schools Foundation – Caring and Sharing