Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: 1000+
Duration of Project: Other (please specify) All options available
Cost: This varies with the scope of the project, materials needed, number of attendees and budget by the planner.
Indoor/Outdoor: Both
Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods, Financial Donations
Location: 208 N Laura St Ste 102
Jacksonville FL 32202 MAP LINK
Project Contact:
Bonnie E. Barnes
P: 904-463-0513
HandsOn Jacksonville manages corporate projects that bring people together to strengthen the greater Jacksonville. This is your opportunity to leave your mark on the community as you work together as teams for the benefit of area non-profits. We are expert planners, managers and leaders of corporate social responsibility volunteer projects that promote employee teamwork and leadership. We have extensive experience coordinating volunteers and managing groups of varying sizes. Saving your company valuable staff time and money, Providing expertise, creative ideas and support in connecting with non-profit agencies and schools, Identifying potential projects and work with you on project selection Providing volunteer management assistance to increase the capacity of non-profits to host larger corporate groups, Photographing and documenting employee volunteers in action, Assisting with media relations (optional), Working with and support identified employee volunteer leaders, Incorporating an “educational service learning” component, Providing the company post evaluation information and an impact summary of each project, Highlighting your company’s service project on our website’s homepage and e-newsletter
Impact: The goal of HandsOn Jacksonville through corporate managed projects is to provide companies with the tools to experience a meaningful and impactful day of service while building and lifting the culture of their companies. Team building within the corporate community has a new name - Corporate Social Responsibility and with that comes opportunities to serve in a number of ways. HandsOn Jacksonville can help create any project, no matter the size. The results your company and its employees can generate on a HandsOn Jacksonville managed project will be meaningful and positively impactful. Every associate will see a community problem, learn about important issues, and work together to create a solution that they will immediately see the results of their volunteer efforts. In addition: It fosters employee teamwork and camaraderie; Promotes goodwill with employees, customers, vendors and community; Saves time and money,Communicates their commitment to volunteerism and philanthropy
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: We work with you to carefully plan each detail, including corporate team leaders or fully managing the project turnkey, where attendees just arrive, have materials and assignments ready, and enjoy the work at hand to benefit our community.
Attire: This is up to the client to specify ahead of the project. The chosen project will be determined by you.
F&B Provided for Volunteers: Yes
Option to Move Project to a Different Location: Yes