Project Summary
Project Category: Other
Number of Participants: Fewer than 50
Duration of Project: 1-4 Hours
Cost: 0
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Financial Donations
Location: 6174A Delmar Blvd.
Saint Louis MO 63112 MAP LINK
Project Contact:
Angie Weber
P: 314.436.4536
Great Rivers Greenway is a regional parks and recreation district created by a vote of the people to connect the St. Louis area. They are making St. Louis an even better place to live by building “The River Ring”, a 600-mile network of greenways and trails throughout the region so people can be active, get around town and enjoy being outside. This project will engage volunteers in stewardship of the Riverfront Trail located in the Mississippi Greenway. This trail offers access and spectacular views of the Mississippi River which is the largest river system in North America. In addition, this greenway provides floodplain habitat and is an important flyway for migratory birds. Volunteer efforts will focus on beautifying and enhancing the ecological value of this greenway. Depending on the season, the District will engage volunteers in litter pickups, graffiti removal, monarch garden maintenance, habitat restoration and flood cleanup.
Impact: The River Ring will strengthen environmental stewardship among the people of St. Louis by fostering stronger interaction between greenway users and the natural environment. The open space in greenways improves air, water and soil quality while reducing consumption of fossil fuels by providing users alternative, efficient transportation options. Land conservation for greenway purposes also creates healthier ecosystems for people and wildlife.
Project Availability:
Volunteer Responsibilities: Litter pickup along the trail and river, graffiti removal of the flood wall, monarch garden maintenance (weeding, watering, mulching and planting), honeysuckle removal, occasional removal of debris on the trail due to flooding.
Attire: Casual clothes that are appropriate for warm or cool weather depending on the season. Volunteer tasks include painting and gardening so volunteers should be prepared to get messy. Closed toe shoes recommended.
F&B Provided for Volunteers: Yes
Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No
Great Rivers Greenway District