Project Summary

Project Category: Kids/Teens

Number of Participants: 50-100

Duration of Project: Whatever works best for the organization

Cost: 0

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor

Service Opportunities: Collecting Goods

Location: Coat Dropoff - Irving ISD Annex
820 N. O' Connor Rd.
Irving TX 75062 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Gale Wortham
P: 972-600-6113


Over 80% of Irving ISD students are economically disadvantaged. During the winter months, many students who walk to school have to brave the elements. Having a warm coat that keeps them warm will increase the chances that a child will attend school despite the weather. If they do make it to school and recess begins, having a warm coat will help keep them healthy. As schools work diligently to increase the attendance rate, this is one way the the community can be part of the solution!

Impact: Attendance rates during inclement weather will improve. Students will be healthier having the proper outerwear. Families will feel less financial burden with the assistance.

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Donate a coat in sizes 6-adult sizes; thick hoodies are also needed for adult sizes

Attire: N/A

F&B Provided for Volunteers: No

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: One secured room and boxes to collect donated coats

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Coats for Students