Project Summary

Project Category: Food Pantry

Number of Participants: Fewer than 50

Duration of Project: 4-8 Hours

Cost: 0

Indoor/Outdoor: Both

Service Opportunities: Project or Activity

Location: 47-470 Van Buren St.
Indio CA 92201 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Tom Cox


The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission currently shelters 150+ men, women and children. CVRM also offers a Emergency Shelter to an additional 75 men, women and children each night in our multi-purpose overnight shelter. All people in this program are served breakfast and dinner along with the options of showers, clothes, hygiene and case management services.

Impact: Those in need of recovery due to loss of job, home, health, emotional, mental or spiritual support or physical or substance abuse find themselves drawn to our ministry. We are to facilitate that reconciliation through the available means of this Mission, i.e. food, clothing, shelter, counseling and discipleship. Through these modalities we pave the way for them to be reconciled.

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Serve breakfast, lunch and dinner to the clients and the homeless. Data entry, research, word processing and filing.

Attire: Closed toe shoes must be worn in all volunteer positions. Long pants are strongly recommended when volunteering in the kitchen. Volunteers must wear clothing that is deemed modest by staff. Please do not wear midriff-revealing tops, short shorts, muscle shirts or anything tight-fitting. Clothing worn by volunteers must not portray alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or sexual or violent themes. Dangling or loose worn jewelry should be removed before arriving. Kitchen volunteers will be required to wear a hairnet or baseball cap.

F&B Provided for Volunteers: Yes

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No

Coachella Valley Rescue Mission