Project Summary

Project Category: Kids/Teens

Number of Participants: 100-250

Duration of Project: 1-4 Hours

Cost: It varies depending on the project seelcted.

Indoor/Outdoor: Both

Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods, Financial Donations

Location: 2415 Twin Oaks Dr.
Austin TX 78757 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Lindsay Weeks Development Officer
P: 512-453-5258


Sammy’s House provides services for children who are medically fragile and developmentally delayed

Impact: 75% of our children have disabilities 33% are from families that are economically disadvantaged 33% are children who are under protective care Our main objective is to help children become independent contributing members of society.

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Volunteers may work on landscape, renovations & repairs, cleaning, decorating and curriculum.

Attire: Work wear/casual

F&B Provided for Volunteers: No

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No

Sammy’s House