Project Summary

Project Category: Food Pantry

Number of Participants: 100-250

Duration of Project: 1-4 Hours

Cost: Approx. $25 in groceries

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor

Service Opportunities: Project or Activity, Collecting Goods

Location: 100 Light Street
12th Floor
Baltimore MD 21202 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Beth Littrell


At the event, meals are assembled with ingredients (assigned by United Way about a week beforehand) provided by volunteers. Groups gather at one of several “recipe tables” and once the whistle is blown, each table prepares about five batches of the recipe in 15 minutes. When all groups have finished, they clean up, move to the next table and start again until all groups have made each recipe.

Impact: Healthy casseroles for people in need

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Inspired by the children’s story Stone Soup, we ask that each family member attending the event bring items from our grocery list. Once you’ve registered, we’ll send you a follow-up email indicating the ingredients your family should provide.

Attire: Dress to cook!

F&B Provided for Volunteers: Yes

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: Yes

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United Way Stone Soup