Project Summary

Project Category: Other

Number of Participants: 500-1000

Duration of Project: 1-4 Hours

Cost: N/A

Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor

Service Opportunities: Project or Activity

Location: 2700 N 15th Ave
Phoenix AZ 85007 MAP LINK

Project Contact:
Michael Hammett
P: (602) 495-7195


The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department offers volunteer opportunities for parks restoration projects and community cleanups, as well as service opportunities in museums, community centers, desert preserves and citizen forestry.

Impact: The assistance we get from volunteers with restoration projects, community cleanups, as well as service opportunities in museums, community centers helps keep city clean and beautiful for the people who live their

Project Availability:

Volunteer Responsibilities: Community cleanup events, garden projects, recycling roundups and more.

Attire: Casual

F&B Provided for Volunteers: No

Option to Move Project to a Different Location: No

Book This Project

City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department